Happy Moon Festival everyone! Hope you had some tasty cakes and enjoyed the nice full moon.
Happy Moon Festival! - [Crazies]
(Picture taken with my Canon Rebel XTi.)

Happy Moon Festival everyone! Hope you had some tasty cakes and enjoyed the nice full moon.
Happy Moon Festival everyone! Hope you had some tasty cakes and enjoyed the nice full moon.
That's a very nice photo. Do you get away with using your SLR in restaurants? I feel obtrusive even using my tiny point-and-shoot.
Nice photo!! Happy Moon Festival!
Happy Moon Festival CP! Well, belated I guess. I totally missed the festival this year, didn't get any cake. :( I was too lazy to brave the crowds in Chinatown.
Foodie Universe,
The dSLR is so big that I don't usually try using it in restaurants. Instead, I stick with my point-and-shoot and try to take the pictures really fast with ninja stealth.
Taste Tester,
Chef Ben,
Heh. I love the Chinatown crowds. But it is a bit of a trek from your place.
- CP
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